Be A Leader, Not A Manager

Be A Leader, Not A Manager

Why Is It Important To Be a Leader and Not a Manager?

Responsibility. Part of what makes the pursuit of success in life amazing is the willing adoption of responsibility. It grows you. It develops you. It shows you where your strengths lie and where you need to be better. The willing acceptance of responsibility builds skills, confidence, and trust.

The word responsibility stems from the Latin verb "respondere," which means "to respond." Taking responsibility is a response, providing a solution to an ever-present need. This is how we view responsibility at Centurion. Our responsibility to our clients is our opportunity to build trust, gain respect, and deliver on our promises.

We look at it as a way to grow and sharpen our skills so that our clients are always getting the best of the best. We believe that our responsibility is not only to meet and manage expectations but to exceed them and provide more value than our clients expect. How do we do this?

Be A Leader, Not A Manager

Managing is about today, and leading is about today and tomorrow. At Centurion Property Management, we look to tomorrow while taking care of the needs of today. We take action today to limit your exposure to liability in the future.

Managers are great at properly executing current systems and managing the tasks of today. Leaders project themselves into the future and forecast potential issues that may arise, and take care of them before they ever happen.

At Centurion, that means we maintain and manage your properties today but mitigate future concerns.

  • We do this by making sure your tenants are happy and satisfied with the situation today, and we probe their expectations for tomorrow.

  • We regularly inspect your property to ensure its safe and effective operation for your tenants.

  • We use our years of experience and knowledge to make decisions that are future-focused.

This is what leaders do. We manage and maintain today, but we prepare and adjust for tomorrow. This saves you time and money by proactively resolving potentially costly issues and avoidable mishaps with tenants and your property.

Property Managers Have a Fiduciary Responsibility

Although we are often referred to as the "property manager," we have a fiduciary responsibility to our owners that goes well beyond just carrying out simple duties. What is fiduciary responsibility?

It is key to understand that a fiduciary relationship involves trust and confidence. It requires that the fiduciary (the party entrusted with taking care of another party) acts honestly, in good faith, and strictly in the best interest of the other party (the beneficiary).

This is why the way we see our obligations to our clients is so important. We don't see our work as a simple functionary responsibility. It is our duty to go above and beyond to act in the best interests of our clients. These are the main differences.

  • Instead of simply completing the tasks that are required, we own the results. Our work, our responsibility.

  • A fiduciary responsibility demands a self-directed approach as opposed or waiting for others to direct you. We see opportunities to be better, and we take those opportunities.

  • We have a big-picture focus as opposed to a narrow focus. The future demands a comprehensive and nuanced approach that takes a big-picture focus.

  • Instead of simply delivering information, we advise and consult. The reason you hire a professional property management company is to benefit from their experience and knowledge.

  • Anticipating needs is the primary way we act with your best interest in mind. Instead of responding to needs as they arise, we anticipate them. This way, you can solve problems before they happen.

  • We only hire those with exceptional skills to manage and maintain your properties.

  • A dedication to high-level service proves that we take our responsibility as the caretaker of your property seriously. Low-level service is not an option at Centurion.

  • Low-level thinking doesn't plan for the future or prepare for upcoming challenges. Using high-level thinking allows us to mitigate any future risks with actionable steps today.

  • Dedication to exceeding expectations is a bedrock of Centurion Property Management's culture. Meeting expectations without exceeding them is considered a failure in our books.

  • All of these aspects of our responsibility to you makes Centurion Property Management and its relationship to you and your properties irreplaceable

At Centurion Property Management, we thrive on responsibility. We enjoy exceeding our client's expectations. Our goal is to treat our client's properties as if they are our own and act in a way that adds value today, tomorrow, and for years to come.

Contact Centurion Property Management and see how we can be a valuable asset today.
